Friday, February 4, 2011

Where Do I Find Pokemon Platinum Chart

L'anteprima dei sogni

Fabio Cicolani

Masks Superhero

In the beginning there was Batman. It was a success. Then came the sequel, rumored for a long time the Fantastic Four and then ...... and then came X-Men, Blade, Hulk, Daredevil, The Punisher, Catwoman, Hellboy, Ghost Rider and, soon, Captain America and Green Lantern. Not to mention Judge Dredd and the blockbuster Spider-man 1, 2 and 3 (but also the next Spider-man, who starts from scratch with a new cast). The nvasione of cinematographic films and less of the most popular characters in American comics is a phenomenon that has seen in its integrity and worth of the new dwelling on a moment to discuss and justify it.
If you look at the history of cinema, the writers have always been influenced from the imagination of the creators of comics, they in turn conquered by the stories of novelists. Since the oldest and Phantomas Tarzan, the film owes much of his creatures to pastels and charcoal to the designers. And you can not say that the superhero or heroes with powers transcending the human, we are facing for the first time on the big screen with the films of Tim Burton several years before Flash Gordon had already won audiences, and Superman Christopher Reeve had entered nell'iconoclastia world. Meanwhile, the producers had also created the television series, such as Flash, with some success.

This is not the only reason for the success of comic book heroes revisited by Hollywood. The producers, directors, screenwriters and actors today are grown in strength of bread and comics. They often have the same chromosome in their stories of Clermont, Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Mignola and tables Romita, Quesada, McFarlane and Jim Lee. Fans of the mythology of their first American publishers (Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse and Image), are eager to experiment with their own heroes, to show how have internalized the pages and browse pages in the last thirty years. Not for nothing has come to the Superman movies decades before Batman and X-men.

The results at the box office are not always edifying, but the production kind of continuous, exponentially, to take on the big screen super-men and women in tights. Behind the mask, there is always a great desire to dream.


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