Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ultimate Fitness Sacramento Prices

La parola passione

di Magda De Luca

La nuda verità

Eva si svegliò nel cuore della notte. Sentiva degli strani rumori provenire dal corridoio. Accese la luce. Le bruciavano gli occhi, ancora abituati al buio. Provò ad alzarsi dal letto, aveva le gambe indolenzite. Barcollando raggiunse la porta. He opened it and left. It was no longer in his house, before she opened a very long corridor. The walls were full of cracks and a dark powder fell from the ceiling. He began to walk the wooden floor creaked with every step. That place was the unknown. Advanced intimidated. He came to an old wooden door. I try to open it, he could not. Still felt the strange noises, such as glass shattered. They came from within. He looked back: the hall had been dissolved. Around her, only darkness and dust. He had an escape, she felt lost. He pushed the door with all his strength and finally managed to open. He entered the room in small steps, careful not to step on the myriad of broken glass scattered on the floor. In the dim light he saw a small figure sitting near a fire almost extinguished. She was naked and cold. His long white hair hung down her back bare. At his feet a heap of stones. He turned abruptly, the skin was wrinkled and sunken cheeks. Eva stared for a moment with his dead eyes. Then with the bony hand grabbed a stone from the pile and threw it hard against the wall, which was shattered by emitting a dull sound. After a moment the wall is reassembled. The phenomenon was repeated at regular intervals. Eva, dazed, picked up a shard of glass from the floor and went up to her face. Smiled at her reflection mocking. He heard hysterical laughter behind him, he looked terrified. The strange creature grabbed her violently and whispered: 'No mask can last forever'.


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