Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are The Origins Of The Name Lola Jewish

Lezioni americane

Irene Zennaro

Just be yourself! Or not ...

Halloween is long past, but why not be someone else, even just for a moment?
With all this talk of authenticity, yoga, meditation, returning to 'inner self, I feel like stafogarmi of crap full of colors and behave badly, as some have done worse to become a very much used neologism.

Here's a little half-serious summary for temporary personality changes, made in USA of course.

- "Pull a Clinton", or shamelessly lie, deny the obvious , preferably on live television.
- "Pull to Bella." When some pimply teenager or early twenties is in the throes of a depression endless trips to the forests, you put in dangerous situations and respond to moans and grunts. As the female lead in Twilight and can not be missed: torn jeans, sweatshirts and tell all star perennially at the bottom.
- "Pull a Britney". Inspired by former beauty queen del pop, quest’espressione può stare ad indicare qualcuno che reagisce ad una fama improvvisa o ad un forte stress entrando nelle toilette pubbliche scalza, rasandosi a zero o ballando in modo seducente con un pitone giallo (personalmente la mia preferita).
-         “Pull a Lohan (Lindsey) or a Paris (Hilton)”. Semplicemente dimenticare di fare uso di biancheria intima. Le ragioni addotte vanno dal riscaldamento globale al dover indossare vestiti molto attillati, ma if there's half a car is always a bad end!
- "Pull a Dick Cheney, or shoot someone and then saying that it was an accident or that the poor were a quail. And get away with it.
- "Pull Jack Bauer." As the protagonist of the series "24", to be able to save the world with his bare hands and just fighting for a whole day without sweat, eat or take a nap. In short, the typical day in a kindergarten.
- "Pull a Palin." Follow the example of national and Sarah to be able to avoid the questions more insidious because you do not know the answer. This season of clichés with answers, congratulations to distract attention from the focus of the debate or invent whole words with the expression of someone who knows her. Ideally with a unified networks.
- "Pull a Homer." To be successful, despite your stupidity.

In his spare time can be one himself.


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