There are countries in which analysis and vaccinations, and a list of major diseases in children have suffered, drugs administered, etc., is contained in a file that is delivered parents. In some cases, rape of reliable data than others.
Certainly the right pediatrician is important. The pediatrician is just simply a pediatrician who can do his job, not much more.
What is sweet and empathetic and respectful of the fear that children may have of yet another stranger who in one way or another, pay attention to their body. Mothers who can put the questions so as not to worry too much, because for them the child was born when they took him in her arms and the lack, the first is so scary.
which it can obtain the tables growth of the country of origin, we start with our friendly pediatricians we relied on those of Peru and Venezuela, then we have recovered the right ones.
What we have documented, our children do not come with the deadly virus and yellow fever will spread exterminating the western world. As suffering from parasitic infections, anemia and wasting food, atopic dermatitis or fungal infection, and vaccinated against yellow fever, but not against measles, whooping cough or fourth disease.
And then often do not speak Italian well enough to answer questions, do not understand.
What should a pediatrician when he takes charge of a patient who has an adopted child?
There are specific protocols to accommodate health, you should keep an eye on infectious and parasitic disease most often, the issues relating to vaccination and the opportunity for repetition, the Auxologico complications - such as short stature, obesity and early puberty, metabolic disorders (hypothyroidism, rickets), neurological and psycho-behavioral (the latter in a more medical psychosocial ale), because their parents can afford other aspects with other professionals to assist.
I recently learned of this conference is also open to the adoptive parents to be held in Parma on March 12 next year, here are the links to request information.
So che la Regione Emilia Romagna, sempre all’avanguardia, ha affidato l'accoglienza dei nostri bambini ai pediatri con un "Protocollo della Regione Emilia-Romagna per la tutela della salute psico-fisica dei bambini adottati" (PG 297667 del 22/11/2007).
So che il Trentino si sta attrezzando per modificare la normativa attuale, e nei prossimi mesi ci saranno novità. Staremo a vedere.
Ricordo alle mamme di stare ben sveglie, che i figli sono loro e sta a loro fare domande, sollevare problemi e chiedere rispetto per la salute dei loro figli. Non delegate, dubitate con method and always ask for clarification. What I do not know the history of the health of your children does not have to scare you. And keep calling / a pediatrician and PLS.
That seems to mean that the acronym for a rare disease, contagious, and not as a person, humane and responsible.