Ieri sera sono stata JEC meeting organized by the Vicenza: Who does not change dies. The new rules of business at the time of social media by taking Barbara Bonaventura .
The meeting was the first, and thus the more generic, a series of three meetings on the topic of social media marketing. The audience was very large, but especially diverse: there were many young people accustomed to the new digital media, but there were also many entrepreneurs of a certain age and explain some things in this kind of audience is not always easy, if I have to be sincere before it started I thought: "It will be one of those meetings summaries in which we do not take home much. "
And instead, luckily it was not so. Barbara was really exciting.
Barbara I saw in action last year in culture without barriers, and his intervention on viral marketing I liked a lot: fast paced, simple but fundamental concepts that I could put into practice. As I wrote here content is the core of a seminar, a meeting, a lesson.
In yesterday evening he talked about the current media landscape: performance on the decline of traditional media advertising, the lack of trust consumers have in respect of advertising, the influence of word of mouth and opinions of people who belong to our network have in our consumption decisions. An introductory lesson to the real social media marketing that will be treated instead in the next two meetings: Handle: how social media can throw or bury the business and you're talking about: how to protect their reputation online .
The main concept that has been gutted is that today, thanks to easy access to new technology and clear the distance becomes crucial two-step process and the customer's buying decision: the collection of information through virtual and physical network and the story of his experience ever to the virtual network and physical.
exposure was smooth and lively: it never arrived at sciorinare quotes and data, but Barbara has exhibited critical content, and revised in the light of its experience setting them on a daily basis, thus taking a direct and concrete the public. Point, this should not be underestimated if we think of entrepreneurs in the room.
Note on slide
The slides were clear and above all read with little text and many images, the fundamental method to pass even the most complex concepts in order to make them storable. I do not like the layout very hard with the company logo, take away lots of space and reduce the space for images and tables (space especially important if you are on a very large room), but I realize that may be a need. In this case I would try to be original .
Note organization
Assuming that the organizers were there and we have seen - especially when they are discharged batteries from the microphone - I a little note to make. The convegno è stato molto poco pubblicizzato, almeno per quanto risulta dalla mia esperienza, io ne sono venuta a conoscenza attraverso i feed di un sito che seguo e quando sono andata a cercare online un modo per iscrivermi è stato un po’ deludente. Alla fine ho chiesto informazioni nel form del sito del CPV. Facebook non è l’unico social network utilizzabile e non sottovaluterei la potenza dei blog di settore o dei portali. Un form online al quale iscriversi direttamente sarebbe stato l’ideale, ma mi rendo conto che ciò avrebbe richiesto un’implementazione tecnica.
Ora resto in attesa dei prossimi due incontri che si terranno sempre presso NH Hotel di Vicenza il 21/03/2011 and 11 / 04/2011.
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