Friday, March 11, 2011

Receiver With Upscaling Bluray

Not to imitate

The other day my daughter and I went to Palermo and we went into a shop ...
We were there about 5 minutes ...
When we left there was a traffic warden with his good blocchettino he did a fine ...
We approached and I vehemently told him:
"Excuse me, could not get more 'respect for women and we let it go for once?"
That has ignored us and continued to write ...
So I gave him the "Bitch" ...
At that point, she looked up, stared at me for a moment, and then 'set to make another ticket for worn tires ...
Cosi 'my daughter has given him the "Stupid" ...
The policewoman put his second penalty in the windscreen with the first and started to write a third!
The thing 'went on for about 20 minutes, more' she wrote, and more 'us insulted and vice versa ... if we had nothing else to do we would have continued until she had exhausted all the traffic at both ... staff, we do not give anything at all of his arrogant behavior and presumptuous ...
We have gone to town 'in BUS ...!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Early Pregnancy Already Gaining Weight

The business re-use bags

Still on the theme of crisis and need for saving and recycling here is the new shopping bag of Lee

E 'was defined the reusable shopping bag ever produced. It can literally be cut apart and to use its individual parts.

We can say that goes beyond the concept of reusable bags as we have heard so far, or as a bag that can be used repeatedly to carry something. Here the concept of reuse becomes "new use" and somewhat unexpected.

I have to ask Lee, however, if shopping is not just a larger version and more evoluta del box degli happy meal di Mc Donald's... cosa ne pensate?

Pregnant Women Congratulation Message

La parola passione

di Magda De Luca

Risvegliarsi altrove

‘Svegliati che è tardi, perdi l’autobus stavolta non sprecare questa possibilità…’ 
Canticchio camminando con passo spedito, sto rischiando di perdere il treno. 
‘Potrebbe essere un segno del destino’. Penso beffarda. E’ il 21 marzo: il primo giorno di primavera. L’aria è dolce e il cielo azzurro mi infonde una strana consapevolezza. Sono euphoric, I am moving for work. I took the decision after months of sleepless nights to explore the pros and cons. Arrive at the station just in time, I get on the train to my place. I look around at this hour of the morning the car was full of commuters. Phone ring tones in the background and discussions of work. Get a book from her bag and I try to read a few lines. I can not, I find it hard to concentrate. The euphoria has turned into a slight uneasiness. 'A last-minute afterthought?' I wonder puzzled. I am leaving behind a number of unresolved issues. It has become my specialty. 'Four transfers in eight years'. Quips. Every time is like awakening from a dream and start from scratch, retaining, however, latent feelings, ready to surface in unexpected places. I begin to fantasize about what promises to me, how to decorate the house just rented it, the people with whom I will share the new location. I calm down, turn on your MP3 player, close my eyes and starts to sing 'Being lost today only takes a few moments ...'

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Infection Deep In My Ear

Mai innamorarsi del proprio testo

Barbara Pirini

Spring Beatrice

"That's enough, I've had enough!" cries Beatrice.
Satura to fight and cry and fight not to do it anymore.

You will wake up and it will.

wake up aware that it is perfect and that not all the 'love forever for what is or what it does.
will learn the 'importance of loving and supportive, we should give the' auto-approval with a new sense of confidence.
will stop where it is possible to judge and point fingers, people will accept, will fly over on their human shortcomings and perhaps a sense of peace will come.
will learn to open up to new points of view, to reassess and redefine what he believes.
will learn that stress and fatigue weaken the mind and body and that only create doubts and fears.
will learn that every dream is worth to be achieved and commitment it deserves, without yielding to the fear of not succeeding.
wake up his courage, take a position and begin who wants to live life to the best of its capabilities, while remaining open to each of them.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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In this day of celebration ... I dedicate this song to all the fantastic women who:
  • although generally more educated than men .. .
  • although genetically strong organizational skills of multitasking ...
  • intellectual gifts while enjoying significantly higher than their male colleagues ...
  • while achieving the curriculum that attest to the specific skills of all respect ...
To be able to enter the labor market and play a role commensurate with their professional profile should further demonstrate requirements "90-60-90" and or take the test "ARCORE" ... otherwise they can frame their diplomas and hang them on the wall of the living room ... thwarting all efforts on a personal development ...

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Di mamma (non) ce n'è una sola

Anna Grace Giannuzzi

Alarm girls!

There once was a pediatrician, now is the PLS.
Who would? The pediatrician. Free? And who knows pediatricians an adoptive family? Choice? You mean go to the ASL and fill those horrible forms - in which a child born in Bogota, you must explain to seven times that item is an Italian citizen but was born al'estero, ie EE (how do you know? "I've adopted Ah!) and therefore you are wrong not to tick as foreign nationals (EU or non-EU)? adoptive mothers have many flaws, but one in particular: they have the booklet in children. The nurses are asking reaching out with the head turned elsewhere and you do not look up to they do not understand that you're staring at the, worried that in the palm of his hand that we should put some money.
I've had three books stolen children, because no one gave it to me in a legitimate way. In fact, I took them for a friend in the department where he works gynecologist. I made several phone calls, everyone kept asking who would never lie give it to me and concluded that no one could possibly be up to him. Everyone was smiling, explaining that it was logical that I had them, delivers them to the hospital because the birth mother of the child, then stopped dumbfounded when I pointed out that if they knew that I had not and could not have him, then why did they asked?
Clinical observation of the adopted children, which often lack a family history, should continue through adolescence, because some problems not strictly medical, emotional or behavioral type that may occur over the years.
There are countries in which analysis and vaccinations, and a list of major diseases in children have suffered, drugs administered, etc., is contained in a file that is delivered parents. In some cases, rape of reliable data than others.
Certainly the right pediatrician is important. The pediatrician is just simply a pediatrician who can do his job, not much more.
What is sweet and empathetic and respectful of the fear that children may have of yet another stranger who in one way or another, pay attention to their body. Mothers who can put the questions so as not to worry too much, because for them the child was born when they took him in her arms and the lack, the first is so scary.
which it can obtain the tables growth of the country of origin, we start with our friendly pediatricians we relied on those of Peru and Venezuela, then we have recovered the right ones.
What we have documented, our children do not come with the deadly virus and yellow fever will spread exterminating the western world. As suffering from parasitic infections, anemia and wasting food, atopic dermatitis or fungal infection, and vaccinated against yellow fever, but not against measles, whooping cough or fourth disease.
And then often do not speak Italian well enough to answer questions, do not understand.
What should a pediatrician when he takes charge of a patient who has an adopted child?

There are specific protocols to accommodate health, you should keep an eye on infectious and parasitic disease most often, the issues relating to vaccination and the opportunity for repetition, the Auxologico complications - such as short stature, obesity and early puberty, metabolic disorders (hypothyroidism, rickets), neurological and psycho-behavioral (the latter in a more medical psychosocial ale), because their parents can afford other aspects with other professionals to assist.

I recently learned of this conference is also open to the adoptive parents to be held in Parma on March 12 next year, here are the links to request information.

So che la Regione Emilia Romagna, sempre all’avanguardia, ha  affidato l'accoglienza dei nostri bambini ai pediatri con un "Protocollo della Regione Emilia-Romagna per la tutela della salute psico-fisica dei bambini adottati" (PG 297667 del 22/11/2007).
So che il Trentino si sta attrezzando per modificare la normativa attuale, e nei prossimi mesi ci saranno novità. Staremo a vedere.
Ricordo alle mamme di stare ben sveglie, che i figli sono loro e sta a loro fare domande, sollevare problemi e chiedere rispetto per la salute dei loro figli. Non delegate, dubitate con method and always ask for clarification. What I do not know the history of the health of your children does not have to scare you. And keep calling / a pediatrician and PLS.
That seems to mean that the acronym for a rare disease, contagious, and not as a person, humane and responsible.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mucous Discharge And Menstuation

short of water

In un periodo di crisi e ristrettezze in cui si prende sempre più consapevolezza del valore delle cose quotidiane e l'acqua sta emergendo quale bene prezioso e da salvaguardare ecco che nasce la linea " Stop the water while using me ".

Non punto più la mia comunicazioni sulle proprietà del mio prodotto, ma sull'etica che voglio trasmettere per il suo utilizzo. Un proposito encomiabile se non fosse un altro modo di fare business in tempo di crisi!

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Il signore in giallo

Lorenzo Bosi


Looking out the window of the living room, today, Sunday, March 6, you can really breathe an air of rebirth, of awakening. Here in Tredegar, the small village where I live, the sky is clear and you have the good feeling of the approach of the long-awaited Spring ... no matter whether the forecast of the coming days do not promise anything good.
Given the fact that I could not find any link between the topic of the month and my column at this time to talk about the news in March that led to Tredegar. The town of Tredegar
is part of the National Park of Casentino Forests, and in this period, up here getting ready to welcome tourists who hopefully will come in the summer. Saturday, March 5
fact the Cafe del Poggio reopened, completely renovated with an innovative design to the premises that are the envy of the best tourist destinations. My sincere wishes for a great success.
The biggest news though is the opening of Guelph, a beautiful inn a few meters from the bar that will fill the gap which has always suffered Tredozio: a structure in the center.
These enzymes are the first signs of a rebirth, not far ahead. I therefore call on those who wish to reach Tredington in the coming months to enjoy the peace and tranquility that they know these places give generously.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Caylee And Christy Intervention Update

L'anteprima dei sogni

Fabio Cicolani
The Black Swan

not always it is peaceful to wake up. It depends on what you wanted to see, from what they have found in our unconscious. And it turns out not always a matter of us who wanted to know. Whether it's an obsession, a fear or trauma, the dark side of dreams is still there, more real than reality.

is the best place where these dark sides come to life is right on the big screen.

A very special film has just arrived in our cinemas: it was "The Black Swan" by Darren Aronofsky with Natalie Portman in the role of Nina, a classical dancer in the constant quest for technical perfection. Fresh Oscar as best actress, Portman gives us an intense in its schizophrenia, with nuances and sometimes horror splatter. The story is simple: the director of the ballet which makes Nina parte decide di mettere in scena “Il Lago dei Cigni” e di farlo con una scelta particolare, far interpretare alla stessa ballerina sia la parte del Cigno Bianco che quella del Cigno Nero.

Nina, una ragazza emotivamente fragile e insicura, ossessionata dalla perfezione fino all’autolesionismo, viene scelta per il ruolo. Da qui una discesa negli inferi oscuri del suo subconscio, dove non vi è confine tra realtà e incubo, dove prendono vita gli atti più malvagi e le trasformazioni più orripilanti di una vita devota soltanto al sacrificio fisico e mentale. Il tutto raccontato in modo crudo, con una regia insistente sui dettagli e sui primi piani, che non cambia registro a seconda delle astrazioni mentali della protagonista, fonde tutto sullo stesso piano visivo e narrativo, portando lo spettatore a chiedersi continuamente se quello che vede è reale o frutto della mente deviata della protagonista.
Si ha un ritratto oscuro e claustrofobico del mondo della danza classica, dove il sangue e le cicatrici vengono ostentate e cercate come ferite di guerra, come un segno tangibile del lavoro che si compie contro di noi più che su di noi.
Il risveglio di Nina dalla sua fragilità alla mostruosità del suo lato oscuro è una delle trasformazioni iperboliche più riuscite al cinema e, probabilmente per questo, l’Academy l’ha premiata.
Siete pronti a risvegliare il vostro lato oscuro?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Delamination Dvd R Dl

La dolce vita di Ludovica

di Ludovica Falconi

Un mondo a parte

La pancia si inizia a intravedere, è una sensazione surreale sapere di avere un piccolo esserino che ti cresce dentro.
Da quando ho fatto il test pensavo che ci volesse un pò per realizzare di star per diventare mamma ma le nausee non mi hanno dato tempo di riflettere troppo.
Il mio olfatto si è fatto così acuto da sentire tutti i fried in the neighborhood, even the window is closed. Although my tastes are changing, who would have thought that I hated the coffee ..
My body is changing and so my thoughts are more comfortable and quiet, almost the rest of the world was losing ground and I with my baby and her daddy's hand that strokes my belly we were a universe apart , the only one that interests me.
fears and concerns but will not in this magical moment when everything seems to be resolved. After arriving, we hope as late as possible ..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Best Cooling Head Band

Tea time

Maria Luisa Pozzi

Andrea De Benedetti, "Val più la pratica. Piccola grammatica immorale della lingua italiana", Laterza, 2010.

E’ nell’aria la primavera – anche se oggi nevica -  che mi ha portato  questo libretto.
Difficile essere divertenti e istruttivi però  l’autore ci riesce. Con il sorriso sulle labbra ci accosta alla grammatica della lingua parlata, language against which the howling 'neo Crusc at large', those grammarians earnest for which phrases like 'I hope that I manage' are anathema.
With a wink to the reader, the author provides an extensive bibliography under the heading 'other bags of flour'. An example: on page 49 gives us a text of Achilles and Paul writes, 'Where do you find that Petrarch and Boccaccio, if they were still alive, would take five subjects in the classroom'.
Even the titles chapters are a delight, ranging from 'The economy of the subjunctive' to 'Follow your predicate.
The explanations are pure pleasure. Shows an example from Chapter 6. (Non)'s 'and'

"And here you see the Raphael face." You would should have seen his face. Not the Raphael, which protruded, serious but friendly, the right side of the fresco in the Vatican 'School of Athens' painted by himself, but that of Professor of Art History: a werewolf on an empty stomach, his mouth dripping from both sides of the mouth, for he was usually a man of the world sociable and witty. "
Cute, right?
Then follow the author makes a clear analysis of the use of this "that" and cites examples of famous writers who have used, from Calvin to Pasolini.
And if you, as the neo Crusc, there will be howling against these speeches, (have you noticed the use slang for 'you' in the sentence just ended), please, before you read the text of De Benedetti.

Good snow with an air of spring

Maria Luisa

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Continuous Use Of Benzocaine

Who does not change dies. The new rules of business at the time of social media

The meeting was the first, and thus the more generic, a series of three meetings on the topic of social media marketing. The audience was very large, but especially diverse: there were many young people accustomed to the new digital media, but there were also many entrepreneurs of a certain age and explain some things in this kind of audience is not always easy, if I have to be sincere before it started I thought: "It will be one of those meetings summaries in which we do not take home much. "

And instead, luckily it was not so. Barbara was really exciting.

Barbara I saw in action last year in culture without barriers, and his intervention on viral marketing I liked a lot: fast paced, simple but fundamental concepts that I could put into practice. As I wrote here content is the core of a seminar, a meeting, a lesson.

In yesterday evening he talked about the current media landscape: performance on the decline of traditional media advertising, the lack of trust consumers have in respect of advertising, the influence of word of mouth and opinions of people who belong to our network have in our consumption decisions. An introductory lesson to the real social media marketing that will be treated instead in the next two meetings: Handle: how social media can throw or bury the business and you're talking about: how to protect their reputation online .

The main concept that has been gutted is that today, thanks to easy access to new technology and clear the distance becomes crucial two-step process and the customer's buying decision: the collection of information through virtual and physical network and the story of his experience ever to the virtual network and physical.

exposure was smooth and lively: it never arrived at sciorinare quotes and data, but Barbara has exhibited critical content, and revised in the light of its experience setting them on a daily basis, thus taking a direct and concrete the public. Point, this should not be underestimated if we think of entrepreneurs in the room.

Note on slide
The slides were clear and above all read with little text and many images, the fundamental method to pass even the most complex concepts in order to make them storable. I do not like the layout very hard with the company logo, take away lots of space and reduce the space for images and tables (space especially important if you are on a very large room), but I realize that may be a need. In this case I would try to be original .

Note organization
Assuming that the organizers were there and we have seen - especially when they are discharged batteries from the microphone - I a little note to make. The convegno è stato molto poco pubblicizzato, almeno per quanto risulta dalla mia esperienza, io ne sono venuta a conoscenza attraverso i feed di un sito che seguo e quando sono andata a cercare online un modo per iscrivermi è stato un po’ deludente. Alla fine ho chiesto informazioni nel form del sito del CPV. Facebook non è l’unico social network utilizzabile e non sottovaluterei la potenza dei blog di settore o dei portali. Un form online al quale iscriversi direttamente sarebbe stato l’ideale, ma mi rendo conto che ciò avrebbe richiesto un’implementazione tecnica.

Ora resto in attesa dei prossimi due incontri che si terranno sempre presso NH Hotel di Vicenza il 21/03/2011 and 11 / 04/2011.

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Rampa di lancio

Lu Mancini

Risveglio di primavera

Lo aspettiamo già dall’accendersi delle prime luminarie di Natale, quando le giornate sono troppo corte e fredde e il buio fuori dalla finestra ci getta in una atmosfera di leggera e imperscrutabile angoscia. 
Lo aspettiamo vivendo i lunghi giorni dell’inverno riempiendoli di mille luci e mille scuse e impegni per non pensare a quella sottile inquietudine che ci fa desiderare e rimpiangere spiagge assolate lontane nei luoghi e nei ricordi.
Lo aspettiamo come un bambino aspetta impaziente babbo natale per assaporare il piacere convulso dello scartare i doni come se fossero la sola fonte di bramata felicità dei nostri giorni.
Lo aspettiamo con avidità questo risveglio di primavera per assaporare i raggi caldi del sole sulla nostra pelle ormai troppo sbiadita dalla mancanza del suo tepore, lo aspettiamo perché solo risvegliandoci dal torpore possiamo finalmente sentirci nuovamente vivi, con la voglia di fare tutte quelle cose che abbiamo rimandato nell’alibi dell’attesa.

E il risveglio arriva nella luce che si allunga nel corso delle nostre giornate, nel sapore più caldo del mattino e nel colore più dolce del cielo, come un malato che dopo lunga malattia savor again the small daily pleasures, the smell of coffee, the cool breeze at the window, the new steps along the way as usual.
E 'a yearning and an intense pleasure that lasts a few days when we feel more energetic and vigorous ready to do almost unimaginable things first.
Everything seems more beautiful and bright, anything can happen in this spring of the senses even before that of his real season opens at all.
And something really happens through this renewed energy, a journey, a taste, a mood or a more intense disturbance.
long we forget how we felt and everything else.