Monday, January 31, 2011

Sundiro 125cc Scooter

Chiude oggi Artefiera: considerazioni di Vladimiro Zocca

Vladimir Zocca

In the picture, the art critic Vladimir Zocca
I visited Art Fair 1911 as if it were a great group. First of all I missed the famous painters who have made the history of contemporary art: the Fountain, the DeChirico, the Boetti are always present. While loving, I have applied them to the practices of "do not treat yourself to them but look and pass." This allowed me to focus my critical sensibility on the works of unknown, free from packaging to advertising and marketing. I did assist my friend Patrick who photographed the works of art that strikes us most, facendomeli see in real time.
I am convinced that in the aesthetic enjoyment has always the first impression is the one that sets in motion the vision of artistic evaluation, based on experience over time and theoretical research in the field of aesthetics.
But this time I could not meddle, as I usually do at shows, the common groups of visitors, in the sense of non-art specialists, who have often impressions very original in their spontaneity, but people were walking on Sunday, perhaps because the snow or, at worst, a loss of interest in art. However, this second hypothesis seems to be refuted by the gallery owner of Aries, satisfied with the sales. The positive note is the fact that exposure is virtually divided into one large space, apparently more reduced than in years earlier - the exhibition space is extended, after all, 15 thousand square meters, which is no small thing - with a more accurate choice and quality of galleries and artists that promotes the use and makes it less faticosa, permettendo la leggibilità dei lavori migliori, soggettivamente parlando. Piacevole è stata la scelta di puntare sull’arte italiana, anche dal punto di vista organizzativo: su 200 espositori 30 sono stranieri, ma particolarmente qualificati. A questo proposito è significativo il fatto che le gallerie più giovani non superano i cinque anni di attività.
Un altro rilievo da fare, non so se positivo, è l’aumento delle opere fotografiche, del resto di grande impatto emotivo. Tendenza già registrata negli ultimi due anni. Mi è parsa molto rilevante la qualità delle opere plastiche, non sempre adeguatamente considerate in passato. Non faccio nomi, lasciando questo compito ad analisi più accurate cultural event. However, we have identified as unknown artists and works as worthy of being seen with the eyes and mind. However, a pleasant Sunday afternoon, in which the positive note is the clarity and openness of meaning in an increasingly hungry for art has been reduced in number, perhaps, but more willing to exercise their artistic sensibility towards an aesthetic horizon, in fact, more and more open.


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