The importance of a good feed
Quando sono tornata dalle vacanze (parliamo ormai di mesi e mesi!) ho avuto una brutta sorpresa.
I feed RSS del mio giornale preferito sono cambiati. Prima potevo leggere il titolo, l'abstract e l'articolo completo, e vedere anche le immagini direttamente dal mio RSS reader e per me era perfetto. Potevo sbirciare, appena avevo un attimo di tempo, le ultime notizie, leggere quello che mi interessava, tenere da parte quello che non riuscivo a leggere in quel momento, condividere gli articoli con gli amici in maniera immediata.
Since I returned from vacation this does not happen anymore. The feeds have changed, now I read only the title (when it appears that every time I read "title unknown") and a righetti abstact of which is not always understandable. For me it was a blow, from that moment on, all the feeds were not read.
For users, or at least for me, the tool feed is very important to follow continuously and so slender a blog or a section of a website is essential and creates a strong engagement. Just having a quick hint of the content and not very precise but can deter you.
Perhaps you think that RSS feeds compromise statistics Site: If everything I read through a reader hardly go on the website. Then I give my user the minimum information to lead him to seek rest directly on the website, but this is very difficult if not compose a proper message and complete with all the information: the title, a good abstract and a bit of mystery.
riflettutto long before I publish this post because I I want them right now and I think they are really good, I have always been and that, surely, is just a small technical problem that sooner or later will solve . But think of this experience has given me the opportunity to reflect on the importance of good communication through RSS, then, negativity, I find the bright side.
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