RSS Reader: Problems connecting
Since I started using them I find the RSS reader truly practical and fast to consult the news coming from the network: no need to connect to multiple Internet sites and in a single screen you have suffered an eye on our little part of the web that we are loyal.
Often, however, this method of consultation of the hidden treasures hidden there. Through the reader, in fact, if we do not discover our favorite blog has changed graphics, layout or content of static pages have been added.
I happened to know some blogs or through the "recommended items" from my readers and may not even know that "face" have in reality because I follow them exclusively via RSS. So sometimes, you make interesting discoveries that put in a good mood. Lately
browsing directly to a dei blog che seguo ho scoperto ha una piccola sezione dedicata agli e-book davvero interessante e utile. Nel web non si smette mai di far scoperte!
P.S. Oggi dopo mesi il mio RSS reader segna (2)
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