Monday, January 31, 2011

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Chiude oggi Artefiera: considerazioni di Vladimiro Zocca

Vladimir Zocca

In the picture, the art critic Vladimir Zocca
I visited Art Fair 1911 as if it were a great group. First of all I missed the famous painters who have made the history of contemporary art: the Fountain, the DeChirico, the Boetti are always present. While loving, I have applied them to the practices of "do not treat yourself to them but look and pass." This allowed me to focus my critical sensibility on the works of unknown, free from packaging to advertising and marketing. I did assist my friend Patrick who photographed the works of art that strikes us most, facendomeli see in real time.
I am convinced that in the aesthetic enjoyment has always the first impression is the one that sets in motion the vision of artistic evaluation, based on experience over time and theoretical research in the field of aesthetics.
But this time I could not meddle, as I usually do at shows, the common groups of visitors, in the sense of non-art specialists, who have often impressions very original in their spontaneity, but people were walking on Sunday, perhaps because the snow or, at worst, a loss of interest in art. However, this second hypothesis seems to be refuted by the gallery owner of Aries, satisfied with the sales. The positive note is the fact that exposure is virtually divided into one large space, apparently more reduced than in years earlier - the exhibition space is extended, after all, 15 thousand square meters, which is no small thing - with a more accurate choice and quality of galleries and artists that promotes the use and makes it less faticosa, permettendo la leggibilità dei lavori migliori, soggettivamente parlando. Piacevole è stata la scelta di puntare sull’arte italiana, anche dal punto di vista organizzativo: su 200 espositori 30 sono stranieri, ma particolarmente qualificati. A questo proposito è significativo il fatto che le gallerie più giovani non superano i cinque anni di attività.
Un altro rilievo da fare, non so se positivo, è l’aumento delle opere fotografiche, del resto di grande impatto emotivo. Tendenza già registrata negli ultimi due anni. Mi è parsa molto rilevante la qualità delle opere plastiche, non sempre adeguatamente considerate in passato. Non faccio nomi, lasciando questo compito ad analisi più accurate cultural event. However, we have identified as unknown artists and works as worthy of being seen with the eyes and mind. However, a pleasant Sunday afternoon, in which the positive note is the clarity and openness of meaning in an increasingly hungry for art has been reduced in number, perhaps, but more willing to exercise their artistic sensibility towards an aesthetic horizon, in fact, more and more open.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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The importance of a good feed

Quando sono tornata dalle vacanze (parliamo ormai di mesi e mesi!) ho avuto una brutta sorpresa.

I feed RSS del mio giornale preferito sono cambiati. Prima potevo leggere il titolo, l'abstract e l'articolo completo, e vedere anche le immagini direttamente dal mio RSS reader e per me era perfetto. Potevo sbirciare, appena avevo un attimo di tempo, le ultime notizie, leggere quello che mi interessava, tenere da parte quello che non riuscivo a leggere in quel momento, condividere gli articoli con gli amici in maniera immediata.

Since I returned from vacation this does not happen anymore. The feeds have changed, now I read only the title (when it appears that every time I read "title unknown") and a righetti abstact of which is not always understandable. For me it was a blow, from that moment on, all the feeds were not read.

For users, or at least for me, the tool feed is very important to follow continuously and so slender a blog or a section of a website is essential and creates a strong engagement. Just having a quick hint of the content and not very precise but can deter you.

Perhaps you think that RSS feeds compromise statistics Site: If everything I read through a reader hardly go on the website. Then I give my user the minimum information to lead him to seek rest directly on the website, but this is very difficult if not compose a proper message and complete with all the information: the title, a good abstract and a bit of mystery.

riflettutto long before I publish this post because I I want them right now and I think they are really good, I have always been and that, surely, is just a small technical problem that sooner or later will solve . But think of this experience has given me the opportunity to reflect on the importance of good communication through RSS, then, negativity, I find the bright side.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Happy Birthday!

Today is the second birthday of Communicating with care!

E 'time budgets, but it is especially time to look ahead and make new projects. I already have something in mind, but everything is still in its infancy and will not reveal anything.

Meanwhile, like last year, I remind you that today is also and above all the remembrance day ... not be forgotten.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wikihow To Write Wedding Cards


There are underage girls on the streets of every city.
Romanian, Lithuanian, African, Italian thousands.
A nation of rapists expectations.
None of them asks for the identity card for small women, only the price for different modes of use.
Girls 12/13 years of sale in public places, stations, streets in the suburbs and girls in Chinese massage centers. The people of
bunga bunga not moved to the mass of teenage prostitution in our cities.
There are those who use them, who ignores them and those who are angered by the public decorum.
The mother with the stroller pulls right in front of the fifteen-rigged from Troy while her husband takes note of the platform on which beats.
Hundreds of thousands of Italians have sex with minors.
Eighty abuse of children in sex tourism trips (we're among the first in the world)!
E 'tried.
So what?
What we talk about today?
only ever Berlusconi ...
And while everyone got excited fiercely on a single case of Silvio ... nobody does anything to solve the rampant problem in our society. :-(

be ashamed ...!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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RSS Reader: Problems connecting

Since I started using them I find the RSS reader truly practical and fast to consult the news coming from the network: no need to connect to multiple Internet sites and in a single screen you have suffered an eye on our little part of the web that we are loyal.

Often, however, this method of consultation of the hidden treasures hidden there. Through the reader, in fact, if we do not discover our favorite blog has changed graphics, layout or content of static pages have been added.

I happened to know some blogs or through the "recommended items" from my readers and may not even know that "face" have in reality because I follow them exclusively via RSS. So sometimes, you make interesting discoveries that put in a good mood. Lately

browsing directly to a dei blog che seguo ho scoperto ha una piccola sezione dedicata agli e-book davvero interessante e utile. Nel web non si smette mai di far scoperte!

P.S. Oggi dopo mesi il mio RSS reader segna (2)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Various Part Sof Dark Circles Under Eyes

No, no, no, non si tratta di pigrizia, né tanto meno ho finito le cose da dire... il problema è che ho cambiato casa e avere un collegamento ad internet decente nel 2011 sembra un'impresa titanica.

Al momento credo di aver risolto, almeno temporaneamente, il problema. Nei prossimi giorni aspettatevi una valanga di post arretrati! ;)

Is Big Bucket Margarita Any Good


looking girls coming in and out by the Police during these days: bring large bags signed as suitcases, shoes by Manolo Blanicka, giant sunglasses that cost as a rental apartment.
is to get this passing night dressed as nurses to pretend to do shots and have it done by an old millionaire obsessed with his manhood.
E 'because they think that having luck is this: a Louis Vuitton suitcase and a driver in the arm as Lele Mora.
They think this because they have seen and heard, this offers the example of the power, its television and its leader, the policies being elected for their skills madam, the starlets who become holders of ministries.

Once again, the chasm is not political: it is cultural.
E 'lack of education, culture, awareness and dignity. The absence of an alternative as convincingly.
E 'that the damage caused by fifteen years we've been through, this is accomplished political crime: the void, the flight in free fall towards the cathode Middle Ages, Italy finally reduced to a brothel.
... I'm sure that most Italian women are not in line for the bunga bunga.
am aware that some prostitution as a form of emancipation from want and even as a means of access to ephemeral desires ... the choice of a small minority.
is therefore to the other, all the other women that I speak ...
Mothers, grandmothers, daughters, grandchildren, where are you?
right or left you are, rich or poor, North or South, women, daughters of a time that other women before you have made full of equal opportunities and free, where are you?
really think you can shrug your shoulders, you can not tell me?
The big question that weighs on Italy today, Silvio Berlusconi is not what I do ... and why ...?
The real problem is not him, it's us ....
Distraction are the fathers, the brothers who asked "if it were his daughter, his sister, the girlfriend of the president" respond " MAYBE .

REFLECTIONS Conchita De Gregorio

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cindrellaandthesubstitute Fairy Godmother Games

Scene No. 14. Dreams and fictions.

Ernesto è vestito elegantemente, addirittura con un fazzolettino di seta che sporge dal taschino della sua giacca. Arriva sul palco con passi lenti, fumando la sua sigaretta come se fosse talmente sicuro di sé da non aver bisogno di altro, se non quel suo sguardo ipnotico, quasi malato, di chi vive delle proprie convinzioni, e non ha bisogno di altro. Continua a fumare con i suoi gesti lenti, la faccia quasi una maschera, si guarda appena un po’ attorno, giusto per rendersi conto della scarsa mobilia da cui è circondato in quella stanza dove adesso si trova, quasi non fosse the dwelling house, the one where her family lives.

In one corner a woman is there, sitting still, says nothing, makes no claim, does not need to hear the voice of Ernesto to know what he thinks, and he simply ignores it, or at least pretend that even there, or not having seen her. She looks into the void, and it is as if he were thinking: what is seen, talk, exchange of opinions around which will probably be in agreement or not? Nor does it make any difference. My thoughts are often accompanied by a rising wind, like kites, and I sometimes get lost along their trajectories. Nobody followed me in these locations, so I stay far from all, from my companion, so, it is inevitable.

The woman gets up, takes two steps forward, stops in front of the audience in darkness, and says in one breath: I'm fine, there's absolutely be concerned, this is my home and here in There is everything in my life I could wish for. Neighbors and friends often stop me on the street, say they are a beautiful lady, full of life and joy, we see from afar that is booming all over me. I say leave, I look down out of shyness, perhaps because it mocks me, though not totally agree, some things I like, even make me blush.

Why would not you agree ", he said without looking, what they see at the bottom of those people, true and correct. Or do you think it is fair to try to pretend something, so that others are not asking you things that may be causing discomfort? In either case is not at all be the person they think, since you say you like some respects, but you can not support them, you do not mind telling the truth, because this seems to come at the expense of something else. Eventually you ask in a cage, and explain, however, you're fine.

She turns slowly toward the elegant dress Ernesto, then back to look people in the dark. There are specific reasons, said weighing his words, but suddenly, after all these years, I feel completely alone. I pulled up this house, this family, but in the end I see that formed a huge distance between me and everyone else. That is perhaps to shun all but the path is not only mine, is the general lack of communication that has brought us this far. Now I'm happy to dream, and pretend that sometimes dreams are reality.

Ernesto comes forward, turns to the audience now with a different expression, throws down his cigarette, moving a hand as to the aid of words that would express, move the trunk, head, looks around, opens his mouth, hangs on the right foot, it stiffens, pulling on the neck, opens his eyes, looking away, to file the darkest the audience in front of him, to all those who are following, which did not lose even a small gesture, and finally, simply remain silent. It closes the curtain.

Bruno Magnolfi - Pictures of Julia Treasury.

Friday, January 7, 2011

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See the album in the same temple in Agrigento, eternal and in the countryside, the parched expanses of the interior, the processions of Holy Week that mobilize entire cities, the decaying condition of the historical heritage of small towns, and along with the sublime beauty of volcanoes and the sunny splendor of the "isolated island" can be confusing, but also to reflect and push the imagination beyond the photographs, penetrating the soul of an ancient land, whose natural and cultural treasures are part of the World Heritage Site.

collection of photos taken in Sicily, Italy, EU ... during the year, according to the Gregorian calendar,
the UN-declared International Year of Biodiversity
Proclaimed by the European Parliament Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.