midnight on December 31, 2010 has grown from a few hours, the 2011 has just begun, we exchanged greetings and imagine the coming year ...
I look to the future of my country and I can only imagine the negative, what I see is just an Italy that certainly would not want to.
In the hands I have a copy of Republic on 30 December and in these lines, it captures the true aberration of the current climate: indifference.
Italy would not like it is that described in these articles, of Italy, who cares, the Italy of the sloth that at the dawn of harsh confrontation and civil prefers the night placid intellect, Italy and cold and cynical bureaucrats confuse being dutiful with the stupid mechanism.
Italy of voyeurism and the commodification of bodies and appearing to be the compound, the man with his physical, the concept of humanity with its worst instincts.
that 2011 is the year of redemption and is truly a milestone on the road to moral improvement perchè mai più nessuno dica di non essersi almeno una volta vergognato di sentirsi italiano.
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