midnight on December 31, 2010 has grown from a few hours, the 2011 has just begun, we exchanged greetings and imagine the coming year ...
I look to the future of my country and I can only imagine the negative, what I see is just an Italy that certainly would not want to.
In the hands I have a copy of Republic on 30 December and in these lines, it captures the true aberration of the current climate: indifference.
Italy would not like it is that described in these articles, of Italy, who cares, the Italy of the sloth that at the dawn of harsh confrontation and civil prefers the night placid intellect, Italy and cold and cynical bureaucrats confuse being dutiful with the stupid mechanism.
Italy of voyeurism and the commodification of bodies and appearing to be the compound, the man with his physical, the concept of humanity with its worst instincts.
that 2011 is the year of redemption and is truly a milestone on the road to moral improvement perchè mai più nessuno dica di non essersi almeno una volta vergognato di sentirsi italiano.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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I learned to love as we love our brothers and sisters, therefore, do not be surprised if from a distance I think you and I care for all Vol
Just like the real friends, in all these months, I you have comforted, amused, cuddled, sometimes criticized for this and thank you ...
We talked about our plans, our dreams, our disappointments, our sorrows and our pains, mixing and regenerating our energy ...
But now close your eyes ... the mmaginatevi gather around a beautiful table set for every gift of God ..
atmosphere is happy, everyone is talking about, they tell ... you feel the warmth of ...
I pass one at a time to embrace (my embrace is strong, fascinating, true) and wish with all my heart, that these events are special days to give your heart the freedom to sing, to rejoice and love.
Miei cari Amici,
ognuno di Voi, singolarmente, mi ha dato qualcosa di meraviglioso, e d è per questo che io sono ancora qui a condividere con voi, le emozioni gioiose che muovono la mia Anima.
Qui, anche senza "vedervi", ho imparato a conoscere la vostra bellezza e la vostra dolcezza guardandovi con gli occhi invisibili del cuore. I learned to love as we love our brothers and sisters, therefore, do not be surprised if from a distance I think you and I care for all Vol
Just like the real friends, in all these months, I you have comforted, amused, cuddled, sometimes criticized for this and thank you ...
We talked about our plans, our dreams, our disappointments, our sorrows and our pains, mixing and regenerating our energy ...
But now close your eyes ... the mmaginatevi gather around a beautiful table set for every gift of God ..
atmosphere is happy, everyone is talking about, they tell ... you feel the warmth of ...
I pass one at a time to embrace (my embrace is strong, fascinating, true) and wish with all my heart, that these events are special days to give your heart the freedom to sing, to rejoice and love.
I really hope to continue to enjoy the times thicker friendship and your affection for a long time ...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wedding Card Messages Italian
the perfect wife
What should I do to be a good wife today?
Chapter One:
- the morning has them in his mouth before her husband get up and make breakfast;
- not to fill the bath until he has finished his cleaning;
- tidy bathroom and do not leave any part of the bathroom items hair creams and tricks;
- wash the breakfast dishes because you leave the house in order;
- for the same reason to make the bed before going out;
- wake children prepare for school and avoiding tantrums do;
- empty the garbage according to the collection.
- not to disturb her husband to work unless real issues of life and death;
- sure with a text message, to which he responds with a comfortable, how goes the day and what he wants for lunch;
- cook what he wants for lunch;
- not change the channel when he is watching TV.
- not bother him when the PC.
Chapter Three:
- schedule in the afternoon as above, not to disturb her husband;
- clean the house;
- carefully ironed everything
- shopping and put it in a manner appropriate;
- take the children and organize activities in less noise;
- innafiare plants;
- take the dog for a walk;
Chapter Four :
- accogliere il marito con il sorriso sulla bocca, senza chiacchiericcio, chiedendogli cosa vuole per cena.
- cucinare;
- riordinare la cucina;
- portare il caffè in salotto al marito;
- accudire i figli e metterli a letto;
- guardare i programmi desiderati dal marito;
- essere sempre disponibile ad attività a gusto del marito.
Raccomandazioni generali:
- la moglie non deve lamentarsi;
- deve rispettare gli hobbies e gli spazi del marito;
- deve cucinare e accogliere gli amici del marito;
- deve lavorare per non pesare economicamente sul marito;
- deve tenersi in forma per piacere a suo marito;
- deve leggere e informarsi per intrattenere momenti di interessante conversazione;
- deve curare il marito ed essere comprensiva quando ha problemi di salute;
- deve organizzare le vacanze ma le mete e il tipo di vacanza sono a scelta esclusiva del marito;
- deve fornire nuovi stimoli alla coppia proponendo attività di vario genere, il marito deciderà cosa e come realizzarle.
Seguite scrupolaosamente questi consigli e state sicuri che lui troverà lo stesso un valido motivo per lamentarsi di Voi.
Monday, December 13, 2010
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High Jump
Sicilians I will remember this 2010 for the long chain of shopping centers were inaugurated within a few months of each other.
After Forum, Poseidon, The Tower ... the latest in the series is Sicily, the village of those who love designer labels.
But the secret of this success, where is it?
Sicilians I will remember this 2010 for the long chain of shopping centers were inaugurated within a few months of each other.
After Forum, Poseidon, The Tower ... the latest in the series is Sicily, the village of those who love designer labels.
Where once there were green pastures, there is now the village of luxury, a haven for all serial shoppers. Trussardi, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, CK, etc ... are only some of these big names in the fashion village, an oasis where the only thing to do is to dive in shopping. |
The secret is in having been able to interpret the basic need of today's society and had made ordinary people's response to the general malaise created by the widespread and deep-rooted conviction that the ' is more important than BEING SEEN!
dell'INSANIA This is the result of popular and daughter REVOCATION regressive due to vuotagine fearful of being human without any precedent. :-(
dell'INSANIA This is the result of popular and daughter REVOCATION regressive due to vuotagine fearful of being human without any precedent. :-(
Friday, December 3, 2010
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ASHI Dorji Wangchuck
This small, petite woman is the Queen Mother of Bhutan, a small Asia was mounted on the border with Nepal, China and India.
In a recent visit to Milan, Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangchuck said that in his country's welfare is not measured by the GDP (gross domestic product) arid total economic activity, but with Phil (gross national happiness).
The Phil is not a joke, but the set of 72 indicators ranging from the economy to sustainable frequency of prayer, jealousy, health, culture ..
The idea is very simple, they do not limit ourselves to consider the economic progress as the only measure of life, but take into account other things besides money and material possessions to measure the happiness of a person and a people.
The Phil, the measure of happiness, he prefers the concept of balancing economic growth with cultural traditions, environmental protection and good governance.
Put all these things together, finding the right balance, that's what rapressenta the concept of gross national happiness.
They are convinced that a population can not be happy if you live in a country even if they are polluted and ignored its cultural or religious traditions.
Economic growth is important, ma nel loro concetto di sviluppo è presente l'armonia e nessuna di queste componenti deve prevalere sulle altre.
Loro sono alla ricerca dell'equilibrio tra modernità e tradizione.
Sua Maestà, che è abituata al concetto di rinuncia, non per fashion, ma per consapevolezza, spiritualità e concretezza, ha dichiarato di essere rimasta sorpresa dal nostro consumismo che è un attegiamento ripetitivo, ossessivo e in certi aspetti perfino scellerato.
"Voi volete qualcosa, ma quando la raggiungere non vi accontentate, volete di più, di più e di più ancora...voi siete vittime del consumismo".
Io credo che tutto il mondo, dovrebbe prendere lezione da questa donna, soprattutto gli economisti e i capi di governo che con la loro sporca politica stanno lentamente e inesorabilmente portando il genere umano verso l'autodistruzione.
This small, petite woman is the Queen Mother of Bhutan, a small Asia was mounted on the border with Nepal, China and India.
In a recent visit to Milan, Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangchuck said that in his country's welfare is not measured by the GDP (gross domestic product) arid total economic activity, but with Phil (gross national happiness).
The Phil is not a joke, but the set of 72 indicators ranging from the economy to sustainable frequency of prayer, jealousy, health, culture ..
The idea is very simple, they do not limit ourselves to consider the economic progress as the only measure of life, but take into account other things besides money and material possessions to measure the happiness of a person and a people.
The Phil, the measure of happiness, he prefers the concept of balancing economic growth with cultural traditions, environmental protection and good governance.
Put all these things together, finding the right balance, that's what rapressenta the concept of gross national happiness.
They are convinced that a population can not be happy if you live in a country even if they are polluted and ignored its cultural or religious traditions.
Economic growth is important, ma nel loro concetto di sviluppo è presente l'armonia e nessuna di queste componenti deve prevalere sulle altre.
Loro sono alla ricerca dell'equilibrio tra modernità e tradizione.
Sua Maestà, che è abituata al concetto di rinuncia, non per fashion, ma per consapevolezza, spiritualità e concretezza, ha dichiarato di essere rimasta sorpresa dal nostro consumismo che è un attegiamento ripetitivo, ossessivo e in certi aspetti perfino scellerato.
"Voi volete qualcosa, ma quando la raggiungere non vi accontentate, volete di più, di più e di più ancora...voi siete vittime del consumismo".
Io credo che tutto il mondo, dovrebbe prendere lezione da questa donna, soprattutto gli economisti e i capi di governo che con la loro sporca politica stanno lentamente e inesorabilmente portando il genere umano verso l'autodistruzione.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Standard Message For Wedding Thank You
Mi capita spesso di sentirmi annoiata...
Ma che cosa è la Noia?
Secondo Giacomo Leopardi (il mio poeta preferito) la vita umana oscilla tra il piacere ed il dolore, cioè o c'è l'uno o c'è l'altro.
Il piacere è raro e quando c'è non è mai intenso quanto il desiderio; il dolore invece è sempre presente, addirittura è abbondante.
Tutto questo non vuol dire per che se non c'è l'uno, c'è l'altro. Esiste una condizione penosa, intermedia LA NOIA, il tedio che costituiscono la maggior parte dell'esistenza di un uomo provocando un fortissimo malessere ed inquietudine.
La Boredom can be defined as the absence of simultaneous pleasure and pain.
Boredom is always running to fill all empty, all those times when there is a situation of lack of passion, pain and pleasure that leave the human soul.
Boredom is like the air that rushes to fill the gap left by an object and not filled by another.
This is the human soul can not exist because the vacuum as soon as the man leaves an ache or a passion and boredom sneaks down in the soul of men.
is also important to note that even boredom and a passion because everything that a man feels in his soul that is.
What does it mean that the man who felt neither pleasure nor pain, try Boredom?
It means that when there is no happiness nor pleasure the man does not feel even though does not feel pain because they experience boredom that is a direct consequence of the fact that man can not live without happiness .
Boredom is therefore the mere desire for happiness, of pleasure is not something definite and precise, but simply a passion, a painful state of mind, neither pleasant nor painful.
So in a nutshell, if the theory of Giacomo Leopardi is true ... you can also say that ...
Boredom = Serenity & Peace = Peace of the Senses
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