La sequenza indica un uomo che esce di casa, gira per strada senza una meta precisa, si ferma dentro a un caffè e incontra uno sconosciuto. Quando l’uomo torna a casa scopre di essere una persona diversa.
In un secondo tempo, l’uomo uscito da casa, non avendo incontrato nessuno, rientra nervoso e irritato. Inoltre lo stesso, avendo dato appuntamento al caffè ad una persona che non conosceva, riesce a sentirsi diverso anche solo per quella possibilità which has not been met.
Both the man and the unknown, knowing both of them to be able to feel different just left his house and once they get coffee, often manage to turn down the street without a clear destination.
In fact, the man's house and the unknown is considered to be different without that neither the one nor the other have turned down the street or have visited the cafe. In any case, their goal is clear even if you almost never stop there.
Often, inside the cafe, the stranger is asked why the man seen running down the street aimlessly, it can be felt different without be left home to go even that far.
In some cases, turning the street near the appearance of coffee without a precise destination, the stranger she met a man who has stood inside the room, and he said he felt different without knowing why.
Man, coffee and sometimes even the unknown, proved to be different only left the house and had shot down the street without finding a goal. Once back in their own role, things turned out to be concrete even though they have not met.
Finally, both the home, coffee is the same, are different for the mere fact that the man with the unknown people shot down the street without finding a goal, those close to happening in before thinking about anything else. The local course, at least that day, was deserted.
(solutions dictated by computer)
Bruno Magnolfi
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