Sunday, June 20, 2010

Spotting Telescopes Reviews

In the colors of the sunset

I braccianti di colore si erano riuniti tutti tra loro alla fine dell’orario di lavoro, ed erano rimasti lì, in silenzio, come non avessero nessun posto dove recarsi. Infine si erano incamminati lungo la strada sterrata, costeggiando la stalla delle vacche, e svogliatamente erano andati ad infilarsi nelle loro baracche di legno, oltre il rimessaggio degli attrezzi. Sul fianco della collina la vigna pareva scolpita, tanto appariva simmetrica e regolare, e adesso che il sole si era avvicinato alla terra, le tonalità di verde apparivano più morbide e più intense. Davanti alla sua casa il signor Giovanni, come lo chiamavano tutti, si era seduto sui gradini di pietra per togliersi la terra dalle suole dei suoi stivali, e aveva lasciato che il cane gli girasse attorno scodinzolando per giocare.

Quello sarebbe stato l’ultimo anno, pensava; le ultime volte di quelle giornate intere passate ad andare avanti e indietro col trattore per inseguire qualcosa che non aveva dato i frutti sperati. Non importava neppure Looking back now, at the end of the season would come the new owners, a company that would have been less scrupulous to exploit the land, he was already far away, enjoying the rest, little money and the last years of his life.

A car scarburata old and had come limping to the country road, no one remembered that Mr. John know. The man had come down looking around, had approached a few steps slowly, then looked to the ground before you speak: "I am looking for a job," he said, "any". He might have been forty years, but it was difficult to judge. "Here are all blacks, had responded with roughness Mr. John, just to find an excuse to take away any false idea. "For me, all right," he simply said the man, and that answer, perhaps unexpected, liked to Mr. John.

The next morning the man had begun to work together with others, after having slept the night in his car. Mr. John had noted, did not remember having ever met a person like that, and was intrigued. In the evening, invited him to his house to regulate the employment relationship, opened some cards on the table we stand, and invited him to tell him the name and add his signature to the bottom sheets. The smell of earth and sweat stagnated around, the workers had sung a lullaby that he felt to come from far away, almost a vibration, like a fly in the room. The man did what was required, then turned to reach the door, but stopped, and no one asked him anything, he said that life was strange, sometimes you like a flag flapping in the air, but there 'was to blame, sometimes things were going well, sometimes badly.

Mr. John is not interrupted, but after a pause, in a low voice, said, "I sell everything, soon, I too did not go well, or at least not as I had hoped ...." "The I know, "the man said," but we must also learn to observe the colors of the sunset, like tonight, to be fascinated and sometimes, without asking too many questions. If you always try the best we will always and only losers. "

Magnolfi Bruno (picture of Julia Treasury)


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