Monday, June 25, 2007

Annabel Chong Smoking


history of our country and its ancient traditions Popular

highlighting the main

work tools of the farmer

planters vintage tractor plows.

original photographic material life of the field stopping the best time of popular life, harvesting hay, etc ... ..

at mall the farm in Rovigo
tractor table
tractor Oto Melara

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Scabs And Crusts On Scalp

call with skype

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Every human being has a hobby or a passion. Often this type of blog becomes a meeting place for people with common interests. MusicArTeCulTura

Diminish Red Spots On Face

static display

Wife Wants Husband To Wear Sarees, Salwar

old crafts


I vecchi mestieri a ricordarci l’antica manualità e poesia ora totalmente sostituita dalla civiltà moderna.

Sono conservati tutti gli strumenti riguardanti più di 30 lavori artigianali (alcuni ormai scomparsi). Ogni settore è rappresentato in ambienti arredati con arnesi propri: arrotino, barbiere, calzolaio, cordaio, caregheta, taglia pietra, , fotografo, fabbro, vinaio, tessitore…

The grinder (moleta) was a peddler who passed in fixed periods for the countries taking with them you need to work the wheel to the pedal. He was accompanied at times by a son who helped to fix the wheel and through the town shouting "el moleta" or "el gua", picked up scissors and knives to be sharpened. Giving power to the pedal and keeping the rhythm, the stone of the machine rotated at constant speed bagnata inoltre dall'acqua lasciata cadere goccia a goccia da un recipiente sovrastante. A quel punto "el moleta" avvicinava la lama da affilare alla pietra e passando e ripassando contro di essa il filo, toglieva denti e imperfezioni. Infine veniva controllato con delicatezza il tagliente passandovi un dito per rendersi conto della riuscita del lavoro. La sera il figlio, preannunciandosi a gran voce, riportava gli oggetti affilati ai proprietari incassando il magro compenso.

Used Sunfish Portland Oregon Sailboat

Where Can I Buy Lip Medex In Malaysia

the toy the child and its culture

THE CHILD AND HIS CULTURE By 800 at the beginning of 900:

Cradle for strollers, "spasei" and so served for the first steps. Games rudimentary built by the parents as of spring balls, guns, wooden sledges, rag dolls, trains, airplanes and other more sophisticated as a rocking horse made of paper pulp wood and tin. Following the kindergarten and school abbecedari, libri. Ricostruzione degli ambienti con banchi pallottolieri lavagna stufe quaderni dizionari cartelle…. Poi la bicicletta con la quale i più fortunati andavano a scuola e per chi lo era meno le sgalmarette .

la scuola in mostra

esposizione in scuola elementere media


Nursing Shoes, Los Angeles

musical instruments, the voice of a time


Large collection of musical instruments

Strings wind to percussion ....

From rare Psalter, all'organetto air violins and trumpets, chimes gramophones and records.

From Galena radio to radio and popular

first computer.


Large collection of stringed musical instruments to wind ... percussion. From rare
Psalter, all'organetto air violins and trumpets, chimes gramophones and records.