Friday, September 24, 2010

Pityriasis Rosea Flatulence

In the midst of war

I did not say anything when I asked something. I was silent, I never trusted those who make too many questions. I am old, this is true, but that does not mean it is stupid: I understand exactly what they wanted to know, maybe something was enough to nod, pretending to be above certain mechanisms. The rest, all ciò che mancava dei miei accenni, delle parole che avrebbero voluto sentir dire, ce lo avrebbero messo loro, con grande piacere. Ma io immaginavo già tutto questo e sono rimasto indietro di un passo: ho detto il mio nome, a testa alta, ho detto ciò che sapevo, cose che anche gli altri sapevano, poi ho detto basta, non so niente di altro e non dirò mai qui spontaneamente quello che penso delle vostre congetture, inutile insistere.

Non l’hanno presa benissimo, avrebbero probabilmente avuto bisogno di qualcuno tra i loro avversari che facesse retromarcia sulle convinzioni più note, ma non ero io il loro uomo, e così hanno parlato a voce bassa tra loro, parevano piuttosto nervosi, then I left.

difficult to understand the mechanism that are giving answers: it is likely to mount fabricated information, but they are credible so as to appear as absolutely true. But to be credible so someone has to stand there and support these claims, someone with a past crystal clear as possible, so as to be believed by force, without a doubt, and I'm sure they'll find, or maybe someone will pay for it embodies the best possible .

What is this plastic world, I thought, everything is more and more fake, the information is shaped so as to serve to those who pay more, everyone knows it, yet there are still those who, for fatigue, for simplicity, to thirst for something different, is willing to believe anything, so as to give full credit to what you are told every day.

I went to those offices filled with electric lights and tinted windows that already seemed to have gained some victory: I took the bus, I returned to my house, I seemed to feel good, at peace with my conscience. Then slowly I thought those questions were never intended, it was not to answer it or not. I started to have doubts, then I turned on the television. When I started my interview, I immediately realized that questions had changed: my answers appear ambiguous, and the parties that could not be readily used were cut. My ironic laugh as the cameras had turned into a motion of appreciation of their positions, my words had been crushed, I was of them, there could hardly be doubted.

I turned off the TV, I thought back to war, fascism, to my being partisan. Everything has become dirty, I thought, needless to blame: maybe my thoughts and memories are just mine. Useless to think of sharing with those who want only riding them, I should not just accept such an interview. I was wrong, we should shout it my mistake, but non ho ormai più la voce che me lo permetta.

Bruno Magnolfi

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Used Play Structure Set


Yesterday I dismantled the garden furniture (chairs, beach chairs, gazebo, etc. ...).
Today Rassetto all the equipment for the beach (towels, umbrella, mask, fins, creams, oils, etc ...) and pick up the pieces this summer that slowly begins to decline towards autumn putting slowly in spite of myself in the closet all summer clothing (costumes, sarongs, infradinto, hats, etc. ...).
While I do these operations I can think of the song Righeira "Summer sta finendo" e la canticchio ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ è peggio...LA MALINCONIA MI impossessa di me...meglio cambiare canzone o pensare ad altro...sto diventando grande e questo non mi và...♫ ♪♫ ♪

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Feel Sick From Plan B

Tempo d'estate è anche tempo di feste, sagre e spettacoli di ogni genere.
Qui di seguito troverete, in ordine sparso, un piccolo assaggio di tutte quelle che io ho seguito e digitalizzato...
Antonio Pandolfi to Sherbeth Festival:
craziness of a comedian who made his forte

Commander Venus in Cefalù:
a singer too learned for the public to Piazza Duomo

grande trionfo del primo corteo storico arabo-normanno per le vie del piccolo comune alle porte di Palermo
sfilata di gruppi folkloristici per le principali vie del capoluogo siciliano.
major event dedicated to fashion where you are particularly distinct collections of "Mizzica" and "Lab Zen

PATTY BRAVO to Casteldaccia:
his performance convinced me that the wrinkles are much better than a facelift hurt

a history of myth and legend that survives on the time

the muzzle of the angels:
one of the most anticipated moments during the procession in honor of St. Joseph the patron saint of Casteldaccia
THE ABSOLUTE ZERO in Bolognetta:

their performance was a zero cut

31 ° COPPA AXIS Real Parco della Favorita:
The winner of this international competition in show jumping was Emanuele Gaudiano Federation of State Forestry.

ps: If you want to see more photos of events and performances listed above must have access to my photo albums Virgil clicking on the banner on the right side of the blog.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Building A Very Sensitive Ham Antenna

John & Jack

Questo libro raccoglie gli ultimi lavori di Jonathan Macini e Jack Lombroso, due autori crudi e sofferenti che riversano nelle loro storie tutta la loro rabbia per la società bugiarda nella quale viviamo. Il loro descrivere situazioni morbose è un modo per esorcizzare i mali del mondo.
Il libro si apre con un racconto a quattro mani iniziato alla fine del 2009 e rimasto incompiuto a causa della scomparsa di Jack. Non si hanno infatti sue notizie da svariati mesi. Lombroso è sempre stato un personaggio sfuggente. È riapparso qualche anno fa dopo più di una decade di vita borderline, ma tutti sapevano che non sarebbe durata. L'alcol, la droga, la depressione, e chissà quale altro mostro, hanno reclamato la sua anima. Jonathan non se l'è sentita di chiudere il racconto da solo e ha deciso di lasciarlo così, come la vita di Jack Lombroso, senza un inizio e senza una fine.

GM Willo – 26 Agosto 2010



Fonte: Edizioni Willoworld