Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ice Skating Restaurant


"Children are like kites,
spend your life trying to raise them from the ground.
Run and run with them to keep them both out of breath.
As the kites they go to ground .... and you
patches and comfort, adjust and teach.
you see them pop up in the wind and reassures them that soon they will learn to fly. Finally
are in the air: the string and it takes longer to give you followed:
every meter of rope that escapes from your hand to your heart fills with joy and sadness together.
Day after day the kite away more and more
and you feel that you will not be long before that beautiful creature will snap the thread that unites and rises,
as it should be, free and alone.
Then only you will know that you have fulfilled your task "
(Erma Bombeck)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gothic Invitations Birthday

slow progress in the darkness under the stairs

She slowly moved his hand slipped off the arm of his chair, as if to simulate a small faint of will, a cross between the relaxation and discomfort. He had picked up quell'insignificante movement without turning his eyes from view from the front, easily imagine the mood which pervaded and meaning that could take that stubborn to remain silent. The terrace was cool in the late evening of August after a torrid afternoons of the many, and the dim lights around the wicker chairs left the feeling of a very slow navigation in the night sky, embellished a myriad of stars.

He lit one of his cigarettes, he added an ice cube into the glass, then got up from his seat, only artifact to support with your forearms on the railing of wrought iron. The hill in front, with his dark profile barely visible, seemed to contain liquid as the swarm is not far from city lights, almost total absence of traffic noise, which until then failed to arrive, seemed a sort of suspension time.

He turned to her, calmly, without a reason, and smiled, avoiding looking at her, but keeping his eyes on the glass that still held in sua mano. Si sarebbe atteso una domanda, una parola che gli desse la possibilità di spiegare il motivo per cui stava ridendo, ma lei restò immobile, senza dire niente, nella medesima posizione. “Finisco la mia sigaretta e poi rientro”, disse allora lui appoggiando il bicchiere ormai vuoto sul basso tavolo che aveva di fronte. “Ho voglia di fare una doccia e andarmene a letto a leggere un libro”.

Le sue parole gli parvero quasi una battuta di un vecchio film che aveva visto da poco, e la sua voce si spense rapidamente contro la notte che adesso aveva preso quasi ad opprimere con la sua oscurità. Spense la sua sigaretta schiacciandola nel grosso posacenere in vetro, dette un’occhiata sfuggente verso di lei who continued to stand still and look into space, then said: "I go," and went back.

was only when he had already prepared the robe and was about to go under the shower that took him a question: so he came back, now with his shirt unbuttoned, tan chest obvious, do those who have just enjoyed a beautiful day. Appeared at the door of the terrace, he saw that she was still in the same position, and so he said: "Are you okay, right?" But did not receive any response.

Bruno Magnolfi

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Clear Mucus, Brown Streak Blood,pregnant?


Here are the new interventions recently appeared on the community site Creative Revolution and the pages of other projects Willoworld .


This thing of belonging to an idiot who thinks he's a writer makes us mad with joy. He believes he is the absolute master of his fingers, while we sorry for solidarity. Not that it is easy to master his thoughts, but if you put agree it is not difficult to give the impression of him to write ... more ...


I will always remember the arrival in Belfast, was the August 1995 and with a girl he met in Dublin decided to jump on a bus of the "Green Line" and cross the border with Ulster ... more ...


It had been five years since the last meeting with Marchino. C'avevo past their childhood, afternoons and evenings to the games room on the benches, especially in summer. In the district there were only two of us because our parents could only afford a week at sea in August, a real torture ... more ...


The spy in the distance, to avoid meeting with the usual excuses. I'm sorry for leaving him a little 'alone even last night between the sheets of his bed staring at the ceiling and its wet faces. I do not miss the body, to satisfy her loneliness, obsessive companies, mirrors, costumes and appearances. The body calls me that. I am only the soul, perhaps ... more ...


Little Red Riding Hood "was the nickname given by wolves in a hateful little girl who was not afraid of anything, not even of his obnoxiousness. The wild herds, the most feared of hunger, which persecuted under the poisonous plague, always around the woods, even in winter, to collect the berries, which were now la sola fonte di sopravvivenza per più di una specie in via d’estinzione, a causa dell’accaparramento di risorse naturali che gli umani avevano perseguito, dall’invenzione del fucile in poi... continua...


Per andare a casa di Paola facevo la strada del castagneto, uno sterrato dissestato che era diventato col tempo il terrore di tutti gli automobilisti del paese. Tre diverse amministrazioni comunali avevano promesso di asfaltare quella strada, ma in dieci anni nessuno ha mai fatto niente. In Italia cose come queste sono la normalità. Io preferivo così... continua...


I braccianti color had gathered all together at the end of working hours, and remained there in silence, as they had nowhere to go. Finally, we had set out along the dirt road along the stable of cows, bored and went to slip in their wooden shacks, as well as the storage of tools ... more ...

AND 101 WORDS ...


Love Toys



See also: Readings with Tuft

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Free Patty Cake Online

The first knife sferrai strongly, squeezing with your fingers that handle rugged, sinking as much as possible the blade inside the body. I was not talking, I said nothing, did not feel the need to say a word, but watched with eyes fixed what I did, and my movements are convinced as I went forward. I did not know this man, But I had a feeling of disgust against him, even though I was not able to clarify to myself the real reason for that feeling. I felt that I would not be able to quickly erase the revulsion I felt, but my behavior was the only justifiable, only that I could feel my own, identifying with those blows as if there had been nothing, nothing can to me in those moments.

of that body, I felt a visceral horror, perhaps the look, smell, perhaps, I do not know, what I was certain that I could not bear to hear him still breathing, and in those moments that being filthy was started issue of hateful rales and obscene. So with one of the stab wounds after her throat cut, but by keeping a distance, with his arm outstretched, a blow dry, almost trying not to have anything to do with the soft flesh, that look old, her face bloodied, now almost unrecognizable, his body stinking. With the tip of the blade continued to chop the back and arms while gasping on the ground, then let go of the knife, and immediately kicked the body that did not move even more now, almost wanting him to do more resistance, which rebel against his fate, even to flood satisfaction. Finally

covered it with dust and soil using my shoes to lift all around, quasi a cercare di assorbire quel sangue che aveva sporcato il viottolo, quella stradina di campagna vicina ad una macchia di lecci e di querce, come desiderando annullare, disintegrare quel corpo ignobile. Scoprii all’improvviso di avere sudato nello sforzo di colpire, poi vidi un legno, un semplice bastone, lo passai sotto a quelle braccia che non facevano più alcuna resistenza, e trascinai quel corpo fino dentro al bosco; vidi una specie di fossa e lo feci rotolare dentro, poi, sempre con i piedi, lo coprii alla meglio di terra e sassi, e infine me ne andai.

Non raccontai mai niente di quell’incontro, e nessuno me ne chiese nulla. Ma io spesso ripenso a quanto era accaduto quel giorno, ed ogni volta riprovo la stessa sensazione, quella voglia profonda di distruggere chi mi assomigliava.

Bruno Magnolfi